Monday, February 4, 2013

Flea market this morning. Yes, that's a ham leg. No, I didn't take the free sample. I am sick of their ham.

Also, win of the day was that my host senora has decided to trust me with making my own toast. I had four slices this morning. She might regret her decision.


  1. i use to get just one medium long roll every morning for breakast and i'd slice it lengthwise to make as many slices as possible, so i'd have more surface area for MORE butter. then we'd toast them in the regular oven. one downfall of spanish cuisine; only pan y cafe para desayuno.

  2. those ham legs are hanging everywhere, huh??

  3. Yeah, they're everywhere. Y no me gustan.

  4. Yeah, they're everywhere. Y no me gustan.
