Saturday, January 19, 2013

Oh this is a little confusing. Let's start with some facts. My name is Hope. I was born and raised in a mountain-lined town called Sandpoint. I am a third generation Vandal. And I am about to live in Spain for a semester. This is my first blog. Do I know what I'm doing? No. Am I worried that I'll leave someone out of the email loop that I keep updated in Spain or that others will get sick of my updates slash wonder who I am? Yes. Thus this blog was born. I don't even know if you can contact me through here. AHHH. Ok, if you want to drop me a line, the email is Warning, I never check it. A facebook message is more likely to be read, but that depends on internet accessibility. Right! So more facts. Facts are easy. I leave the 26th of January at 5:00 am. I am never coming back. HAHA I am so funny. Whew, that was exhausting. More later. When I'm in Spain and actually interesting. Lots of love,


  1. Your interesting face is missed around Moscow. Can't wait to hear about the great time you're having! Hope you take thousands of pictures, I'll be creeping on them all and talking about them with Azumi later--good luck!
