Monday, January 28, 2013

Plaza Mayor in Madrid. The royals (and common folk) used to watch the spanish inquisition trials from the balconies.

Bullfights and big fiestas happen here. So I went out to find food/dinner- I plugged a restaurant into this "smart" phone and started walking in circles for 40 minutes. It was supposed to be a nine minute walk. Soo I asked some ladies for directions in broken spanish and they looked like they simultaneously hated me and feared for their lives. No help there, then the next chica we asked was nice and pointed up one street over. Bridging the speaking gap is really hard. Not the being brave enough to speak part, but more the 'I don't speaks no good spanish' part. But we made it to food, struggled into ordering something that looked pretty spanish, and holy cow. Great success. I am worried that this blog might turn into a food blog. Which reminds me- this morning's breakfast in the hotel was increible. Delicate pastries, delicious fresh fruit, esspresso slash coffee and tea bar, meats, fancy cheeses, savory square bites of different tortillas y cosas asi, and.... A juice bar. Zumo. Freshly squeezed oranges. It stopped time. Today was an amazing adventure. And I am getting up half an hour early tomorrow just to have more time at  breakfast. One and a half hours didn't quite cut it this morning. :) Oh! Also, great part of my day was that I got to see kev! When I got back from dinner (at midnight) I checked skype to see if anyone was on in my phone and we got to talk for a decent amount of time! Love you, bro. hasta pronto, queridos y queridas. Brazos.


  1. AHHHHHHH. That building is pretty! (Can't really see the dude on the horse but I'm sure he's a work of art himself) Also, please start taking photos of the food you eat and just be really hipster and awesome. Also I just want to see what the food looks like so I can eat vicariously through you (I'm drinking ginger tea right now and it's not bad but ugh) ~ And that is super sweet that a girl from UI is also there! VANDALS TAKIN' OVER ESPANA! Forgive my lack of a tilde. Tilda. I don't remember what it's called. AIN'T NOBODY GOT TIME FOR THAT.

    We're all holding down the fort here in Moscow for you, by the way. It's snowing up a STORM and basically everyone hates their lives but HELLO it's North Idaho. (:

    Tell me when you have Skype time next so I can see your lovely face, okay?? I have Spain time saved on my phone so I can just imagine what you're doing while I sleep and essentially I am by your side 24/7. Creeper status.

    Love, OZ

    P.S. You speaks good Spanish. Those ladies didn't know you or your life.

  2. why does this blog spot hate me? it wouldn't publish my last comment.
    now you know why i came back from spain 20 pounds heavier! la comida!
    i was at the same place, plaze mayor, exactly 30 years ago. love you honey!

  3. Az- food. Can do. UI friend: super stoked. Snow in the scow: :( I am sorry. I can't really wrap my head around snow here. Spaniards are all super bundled up with long coats and hats and scarves (lots of fur...) and they see me in my sandals and glare at me. I shake my head and think 'poor fools'. They know not the sharp winter chills of real cold. While tea sounds lovely, I had some churros con chocolate that just melted my face ckean off this morning. The dipping chocolate is as thick as a melted chocolate bar but it tastes better. Melted chocolate. In a cup. That no one judges you for drinking. We will have a churro night.

  4. Are you staying in a hotel, or just for traveling? I'm sorry I'm so not updated with your life right now. Catching up, pronto.
