Tuesday, January 29, 2013


The old city is small, surrounded on three sides by the river Tajo and on all sides by impressive stone murallas. This is a view of the river as it separates the old city area from the rest of the city. (old city is on left). Had a tour of the sinagoga de Santa Maria la Blanca that was built by moors and absolutely looks like a mosque. Then got to see El Greco's most famous work depicting a miracle that occurred in the 1300s where Count Orgaz was being laid to rest when two saints descended from heaven and assisted in the burial and then carried him up to heaven. Our tour guide directed our attention to one of the members of the mourners in the mural and said it was obviously based after him. Ridiculously enough, it could have been his twin. Also ran into his mom in the middle of the tour. :) he introduced her as the most important lady in toledo. After the tour we explored the narrow, beautiful alleyway system and then walked through the cathedral. Very gothic, very ornate. Very humbling. The buttresses and overall design, MAN! So much respect for people who designed that in the olden days. Mad props. I'm now in my toledo hotel with a mini balcony and a view of the old city. Note- garbage cans are much harder to find in public Spain. Eso es todo para ahora. Rest and then adventure time!

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