Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Left to go to a presentation about a famous Spanish flamenco man, eventually located the building, found an enclave of old gentlemen having a somewhat heated discussion about flamenco interspersed by clips of flamenco music and dancers. We then had a man adopt us (a Spanish host husband) and walk us from the museo de flamenco to the bus stop with an hour stop at a local seafood restaurant where we were given glasses of wine and joked around with by a few salty local men. What a great time. One of the guys was the manager of a flamenco crew- he showed us some clips of his crew singing and dancing. Holy cow do I want to see that live. Wow. Now waiting for the bus at :37 por la noche to go back home. :) the air is softer, the life slower. And the music is all English. captain out.


  1. Great adventure; more will come; enjoy!

    1. They do keep coming! Now I just have to get organized and start planning things for after my program ends or weekend trips!! :)
