Friday, February 22, 2013

Gotta get down on Friday

And indeed I did. Got a whole little list o things done today from printing my flight ticket to Santander (doing the Green Spain scene this coming week) to catching up on emails, budgeting, and the ol´ blog. Note- I need to take an accounting class.

Bueno, this last week has been school and learning and RAIN and good things like that. Classes are still super interesting and I wake up in the morning excited to attend and see what type of architecture the visigoths used in their churches and why. Also, check out Carme Chacon from the PSOE party here- badass woman that is 37 and has been super involved in politics, held a bunch of cabinet positions and is currently Minister of Defence. She traveled to Afghanistan 7 months pregnant to check on relations there, and the great thing is that the pregnancy during her term as minister of defence made not a whit of difference. She does her job and happens to be hugely pregnant at the same time. It´s never a big deal, it´s never her focus in press conferences or political interactions. She´s not a pregnant lady, she´s a representative of her party and of her government. GO WOMEN! :) Interesting note- it is illegal for a woman to be portrayed in a demeaning way in advertising. Can´t even show a woman by herself in any ad for appliances, etc. ALSO, waist size minimum for spanish models is a 36 (I am a 36-38). They look at least somewhat healthy here.
So I head off to Santander/San Sebastian/Bilbao/small french town recommended by our new french friend on Wednesday, come back the following monday. I will try to take pictures from my phone so I can upload them to the blog. I can´t figure the camera-to-blog-scene quite yet because I don´t have a computer here. :) It´s so neat here to come into the ISA office, sit down at a computer, and overhear people planning trips to portugal, dublin, paris, africa, italy. Then they kind of just look around and say, ¨who wants to come with me to southern france?¨ And if someone wants to go, boom. They start making plans. It´s a neat and very unique vibe, being able to do that.  Off to find a milkshake with my friend (we´re missing america a bit).

Better:   The soups. Elena´s soups. They make me want to cry. Some are like, garbanzo beans and magic mixed with some peppers and more magic. Others I don´t even ask. I just eat. Also, eating bread with every meal. My host dad makes fun of me when I have one hand in my lap while eating because it´s so strange to them not to have it holding bread.

Worse: Too much fish, and they expect that having small spines in there is totally bueno. They eat them. Fish meatballs are no longer bueno.

Different: Roofs are tile. But curved tile. I like it.


  1. Glad to hear of travels...look forward to reports.

  2. Hey Hopey - Dad here. Fish meatballs with bones? YUK. Do they eat meat and taters? How is the host family thing going? Have you worn them down yet? Me and Mom went skate skiing this morning and will go again tomorrow - then I will go monday and tuesday morning before work (get paid for those days). The Dude came home to ski the pow (9" or so - had to break out the snowblower again) and then work tonigt. Some lady gave him $50 to cover her shift. Can't figure that one out. Oh - and dig this Layne (your cuz) bought a freak'n sailboat - 22' catalina. Now he wants me to teach him how to sail - one would think things would be reversed gut oh well. We are proud of you! Love Dad
